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Teaching In A High-Need School

Thursday Jan 14, 2010

Thursday Jan 14, 2010

It's a well known fact that high-need schools are located in low income communities. More commonly known is the logical fact that people with lower incomes have lesser access to top class education, professional counseling and luxuries that people with better incomes can afford. The people who live in these communities belong to the lower tiers of economic class and have their own fair share of  problems that arise from living in densely populated areas. Children growing up in these areas remain more exposed to unwholesomeness, corruption and lack of social values since it is extremely difficult to isolate them and provide them with appropriate environment in their impressionable years.
I, myself have grown up in a low income community, and am very familiar with the kinds of problems that teachers and students face every day. My experienced as a child has given me a foundation to teach  effectively in any educational level and environment I desire. 
In my view, high-need schools require teachers with skills that surpass their academic qualifications. Being passionate about teaching, I know that a board approved curriculum is only a basic foundation that needs to be customized depending upon the environment it is being taught in and the students it is being disseminated to. In a high need-school, students should be taught more about life in their existing circumstances and the plethora of socially correct choices they can actually make in their daily actions. I say from my own personal observations, that a large number of youngsters face social afflictions and dilemmas in their lives on regular basis. These include mal/unhealthy nutrition, easy access to drugs, parents who are drug addicts or alcoholics, physical and sexual abuse at home or institutions, unhealthy sexual practices, STDs, bad hygiene, teen pregnancies,prostitution and so on. As a teenager, I had always dreamt of being strong enough to contribute positively to affliction ridden societies. 
Working in a high-need area school is definitely difficult, but it is also rewarding. One gets to help students build a base knowledge which they may never get without an education. Most of the students come to school because it is the one place that they feel safe and they are driven for the routine and schedule that they may not get at home. To work in a high-need school, one needs to have patience, flexible, caring and I know I have these traits and I can use them in my job effectively enough to teach in a high-need school  .

Motivation 123?

Saturday Aug 15, 2009

Saturday Aug 15, 2009

Hello everyone and welcome to Your Educational Podcast, I am your host, Dr. Anthony. Today's theme is successful steps one through three. Step number one is evaluating yourself. While evaluating yourself, you are asking one key issue, are you satisfied in your current position? Many people find themselves in situations they choose not to be in but for some reason, just accept it. One may find themselves not liking the way they look, but was hesitant to take a chance with a new fashion statement or new haircut. Sometimes, we are reluctant to meet new friends because we might be ignored or rejected.
My advice is do not be afraid of changing your current situation. Happiness comes from by making the right choices for yourself and despite what others will say to you, they will respect you making your own decision.
Step number two is finding time to make a decision. After evaluating your circumstances, sit down and make decisions on how you are going to change. If one has been meaning to quit smoking for some time, determine how and when you are going to approach this problem. Do the research, how have other people been successful at achieving a smoke-free life. Talk to others who have battled the desire for the nicotine stick. Convince yourself that if one insists on smoking, a short life may be resulting conclusion. Decision time is ideal for one to take action. Once having decided what your move will be, you are ready for the next step.
Step number three is to write it down. Write down your ideas and plan on how to achieve it. Remember, there are lots of people out there who will try to undermine one from achieving your dream. If one intents on sharing your ideas and decisions with someone, be sure they are enthusiastic and just as motivated as you are in successful results.
I would love to thank all my students around the world in 37 countries for listening to Your Educational Podcast. Here is a news flash for all my listeners, if you are looking for an exciting career opportunity on the Internet, visit my new website at and listened to video production I have for you. "Again, that new website is! "This is Dr. Anthony for Your Educational Podcast, signing off.
1. Chicago: Education podcast:yepod, (accessed August 4, 2009).
2. Chicago: Step Three to Achieving Career Joy - Take Inventory, (accessed August 4, 2009).

Are you ready to work out?

Tuesday Jul 21, 2009

Tuesday Jul 21, 2009

Hello everyone and welcome to Your Educational Podcast, I am your host Dr. Anthony and today's topic is "Are you ready to work out? Maintaining our health through exercise and proper nutrition can keep our bodies strong and free of disease. If you as busy as I am, I need to find the time to exercise, especially between work and school. Many of us have noble intentions in the beginning by spending hundreds of dollars on a gym membership, only to find that it was a waste of hard earned income. So is there an alternative? Well yes many people find that getting back on the bicycle is a perfect solution to their needs. 
Many of us already have a bicycle or you can purchase one for a whole lot less than what it would cost joining a health club. Long before there were health clubs and spas, people depended on the bicycle to get to work. The challenge will be to commit yourself to an exercise program and fit it into your schedule without excuses. My ideal solution was to buy a stationary bicycle for my apartment. I also have a bicycle to ride outside. 
Especially when the weather is beautiful outside, I enjoy taking a ride down to the local park. Take along a backpack with the basics including your cell phone and plenty of water. I like taking my digital camera because I can always find something interesting to photograph. I sometimes will bump into a friend of mine and having a camera is a fun way of sharing memories. I can remember when I was a kid riding my bicycle, it seem like an adventure each time. My mother would be so upset because I would be outside for hours. I would ride my bicycle through nearby neighborhoods, parks, over ramps, and on dirt trails left behind by bulldozers. 
No matter your age, bike riding can provide an excellent form of cardiovascular exercise and general well being. You will soon see the benefits of riding a bicycle. You will notice that you don't seem as short winded climbing the stairs at school or your apartment. Your knees will also benefit from non-weight bearing exercise.  Riding a bike strengthens the muscles in our legs as well. 
If you want to increase the intensity of your bike ride, look for a scenic ride on a hilly trail. Your will also enjoy the easier ride down the hills after conquering the upgrade. If you are not the outdoors type, consider buying a stationary bicycle. 
A stationary bicycle is another great piece of equipment to have at home. When the weather outside is less than ideal, a stationary bicycle offers a safer alternative to exercising outdoors. As soon you arrive home from work or school, you can go right into your exercise routine. Having a stationary bike eliminates virtually any excuse for not exercising. You can listen to your favorite music or watch television throughout the work out. 
Working in an exercise program into your schedule will help you maintain a strong immune system to combat a wide range of everyday illnesses, increase your energy level, and help maintain a good physical appearance. I would like to thank my students around the world for listening to Your Educational Podcast, this is your host Dr. Anthony signing off.

Tuesday May 26, 2009

Hello everyone and welcome to Your Educational Podcast, I am your host, Dr. Anthony and today's podcast is titled "Why not create a motivational checklist?" What is motivation? For me, motivation helps me achieve my goals. Motivation is the bridge between my dream and my reality. For example, if I need to lose twenty pounds I first have to make a pledge to doing so. I would visualize myself being twenty pounds lighter. I would then arrange to make the essential steps to begin achieving my goal. I will start by reading books on weight loss, listening to dietitians, talking with more people who have successfully lost and achieved their perfect weight, and to consistently expose myself to motivational elements to maintain a healthy positive attitude.
But how can you maintain a strong positive attitude? It may be foolish to rely on an individual to keep you motivated. So that is why I created my own motivational checklist. It is merely a listing of activities that I incorporate into my daily living to help me stay focused and motivated. I would like to share with you a tiny sample of my motivational checklist. The foremost thing on my list is to read inspirational stories. Reading about an individual's journey, accomplishments, successes, and triumph over impossible odds, reassures us that it is practicable to make our dreams come true. Next, I decorate my room with motivational posters. Whether I am sitting at my desk or lying on my bed, I am being continually bombarded by good images. Number three on my list is a reminder that I should exercise a little every day. Actually, I set aside anywhere from thirty to forty five minutes a day for some type of physical exercise. Not only will you look good, but it also helps reduce stress. Number four; surround yourself with positive minded people. If you desire to thrive in life and reach your goals, you need to identify yourself with people that have similar attitudes, and with those that also desire to be successful.
Number five, watching movies also helps me stay focused, and release stress. You need to be smart and choose movies that will lift up your spirits. You should leave the movie theater feeling excited, motivated, and saying to yourself "wow that was a great film". Number six, another powerful motivational tool is music. Now that MP3s have become as commonplace as the cell phone, we can take our favorite music with us anywhere we please. I customize my music for the morning, afternoon, and evening. I occasionally love to hear to a little classical music, while I am studying. Listening to music while you read may not function for you, but give it a shot and see how it works. You can listen to your favorite music while you are traveling on the bus, train, or anywhere that is designated a safe area. Number seven, every month I buy something new for myself. It doesn't have to be very expensive; the crucial thing is that you are doing something for yourself.
Having a motivational checklist is an interesting way to keep yourself focused on your short and long-term goals without getting bored. Do you have any motivational ideas, if so; I would wish to hear from you. So mail in your motivational ideas to us and tell your friends about our website. I like to thank my students around the world for listening to Your Educational Podcast; this is your host, Dr. Anthony, signing off. All parts of Your Educational Podcast is written and published by Dr Anthony.

Sunday May 17, 2009

Hello everyone and welcome to your educational podcast.  I am your host Dr. Anthony.  Our website is for professionals and students who are looking to improve their English as a second language.  Your educational podcast is written and published by Dr. Anthony.  Today's topic is are you ready for your interview?  Whether you are preparing for your university continue or a job interview.  There are certain steps you can take to prepare for it.  Being able to answer confidently will depend on how much time, practice, and research you do before that important day.  Many of the questions that are asked during the interview, do not have a right or wrong answer.  What is most important about answering questions during the interview is how you answer them.  What the interviewers are looking for is an individual who can answer a question without seeming too nervous.  The interviewers like to see their applicants show control and knowledge during the interviewing process.  Even before the interview has begun, the first impression that you give your interviewers is your appearance.  So you need to dress in a professional and comfortable attire. Let's take a look at some examples of questions that may come out in your interview.
1. Tell us a little about yourself.
2. Why do you want to be a part of our university or company?
3.  Do you work well under pressure or deadlines?
4. Where do you see yourself in 2-5 years?
5. What have you learned from your mistakes in the past?
6.  What makes you angry?
7.  What are your strengths?
8.  What are your weaknesses?
9.  What is the most exciting thing you've ever done?
10.  What are your future ambitions?
11.  What do you like most about our university or company?
12.  Are you a creative person?
13.  Do you have any regrets?
14 what is the most difficult decision you have ever made?
15. Do you believe you are an honest person?
The above is just a small sample of questions that many institutions use to qualify or disqualify a candidate.  You should do a little research on the Internet about the university or company that you're interested in.  Knowing a little information ahead of time can give you an edge over other individuals seeking the same position. The Internet is a great resource to find different questions to practice .  Read over the questions that you find and write down a answer for each one . Have a friend or family member, pretend to be the interviewer and rehearse your responses.  Be sure to keep your answers clear and short.  Do not bore your interviewers with long responses.  Maintain good eye contact, it shows that you are confident and interested.  Try to avoid negative words, and keep the tone of your conversation on a positive note. The more you practice your responces,the more successful you will be at your interview. This is your host Dr Anthony signing off.

Tuesday May 05, 2009

Hello everyone and welcome to Your Educational Podcast this is your host Dr. Anthony.  Our website is located at and if you're a new listener, our site is for students and professionals who are seeking to improve their English as a second language.  Today's podcast is titled are you ready for the TOEFL test?  Over the years the TOEFL test has been a standard for measuring a student's English proficiency as a second language.  The term TOEFL stands for Test of English as a Foreign Language.  Thousands of universities in the United States and Canada require that foreign students to submit a Toefl score as part of their application process. The reasons for this are quite clear, universities want to be sure that the foreign student is capable of handling the required courses to be completed in order to graduate.  Now over one million students around the world are able to take the test over the Internet. The TOEFL test has four parts; reading, listening, speaking, and writing.  The total time it takes to complete the examination is usually from 3.5 to 4 hours.  Each part has a value of thirty points, so the maximum total would be 120 points.  So what scores are universities looking for? The scores that most universities are looking for are in the range of 65 to 100. If you would like to get more information about the TOEFL test, go to and register online. 
So what can you do to prepare for the TOEFL test? Well, there are a lot of publishers that have instruction and practice textbooks.  One example is "The Complete Guide to the TOEFL Test" written by Bruce Rogers.  I myself use Bruce Roger's Complete Guide to the TOEFL Test for my listening class.  There are also many other textbooks that cover TOEFL test and you should be able to find one that suits your needs.  I like to turn our attention to the listening part of the test.  Many of my students tell me that listening to a dialogue between two people on CD is quite challenging.  My students tell me that they feel the speakers are talking too fast to be understood.  This hurdle can be overcome by listening over and over again to the same conversation until you have mastered it.  You need to train your mind to get accustomed to the speed of conversation of native speakers of English.  You will need to put in many hours of study on a weekly basis to be able to cover all sections of the TOEFL test. 
So, how else can you prepare for the TOEFL test other than using a textbook?  A fun way to practice your listening skills is to go down to your local video store and rent a movie. There are many advantages to this idea, for instance, you can stop and rewind the segments of the movie you don't understand clearly.  Why not start a movie club?  You could invite all your friends that also are planning on taking the TOEFL test.  This is a fun way to get your friends together and have discussions about the movie. 
I like to thank everyone for listening to Your Educational Podcast. All parts of Your Educational Podcast is written and published by Dr. Anthony.  I look forward to hearing your comments and ideas.  This is Dr. Anthony, signing off..........

How Are Your Study Habits?

Tuesday Apr 21, 2009

Tuesday Apr 21, 2009

Hello everyone and welcome to Your Educational Podcast.  I am your host, Dr. Anthony and today's subject is," how are your study habits?"  Everyone has his or her unique style to study.  Your learning style determines the length of time that is required of you to cover a subject.  Today's discussion will cover several ideas that you can adapt to your present skills.
Let us first consider the environment that you choose to study.  In my case, I like to have plenty of room on my desk.  Having plenty of room on my desk allows me to have several resources available to me.  These resources may be books; paper, writing utensils, snacks, and anything that may help facilitate your study time.  Another consideration for your environment is proper lighting.  If your study area is too dark or too bright, he can affect your eyesight after a couple hours into your studies.  You should choose a lighting that is sufficient enough to see and read the words on your textbook or notebook without difficulty. Many of us also preferred to have a very quiet room to study.  For myself, I prefer to have a little classical background music as I study or do my research.  Having a little background music helps me from getting bored and I also believe it stimulates my learning process.  I also have a specific time of day when I do my studies or research.  I keep my routine or schedule the same every day, because I find I am most alert at that time.  For example, I do not set my time to study immediately after having a large meal.  After eating breakfast, lunch or dinner, I find myself tired, or sleepy.  The reason for this is that your body is now using all of its energy to break down and digest the food you just ate. So it is best to wait at least two hours after a meal to begin concentrating on your studies.
It would be great to be able to download information into your brain just like Neo (who is played by Keanu Reeves) in the movie Matrix. Unfortunately, we are not able to interface our brains with computers, and absorb volumes of information.  My average time to absorb information is approximately fifteen to twenty minutes.  After about twenty minutes of study or research, I need to take a break for about five or ten minutes. If I don't take any breaks in between my study intervals, I find myself unable to concentrate.  Sitting down and studying for a long period of time will create more fatigue and stress.  So after studying for about twenty minutes, you should stand up, stretch, walk around, have a glass of water, or have a snack.  After five minutes, go back to your studies and repeat the process again.
While you are studying or reviewing a subject, be sure to jot down any questions you may have concerning anything that is not clear to you.  Bring your questions to class and asked your teacher or professor to explain in more detail.  Many students are afraid to ask questions in class.  You must overcome your fear of speaking in public, in order to attain higher grades in the academics. Asking appropriate questions concerning the subject matter being covered in class will eliminate doubt and show others you are willing to participate in a dialogue.
Good study skills are not learned overnight.  It takes discipline, motivation, good organizational skills and a desire to succeed.  Do you have a good study tip to share with us?  If so, we would like to hear about it.  Send us a comment of your idea.  I'll like to thank my family, friends, and students around the world for listening to Your Educational Podcast.  This is Dr. Anthony, signing off....

Thursday Apr 09, 2009

Hello everyone welcomed back to Your Educational Podcast.  I am your host Dr. Anthony.  Today's podcast is titled, "Are you afraid of the telephone? " Talking on the telephone can be extremely challenging for someone using a second language. You will want to be prepared so that the person you are calling understands what is being said.  Consider the following tips; first of all, you will want to write down the person's name on paper. Practice pronouncing the person's name correctly. During the actual conversation say the person's name, people love to hear their names.  Next, write down the questions you will be asking.  For the beginners, do not stress yourself with too many questions.  It would be best to start off with two or three good questions concerning your inquiry. Practice saying your questions over and over again. You can also practice with a friend or family member until you feel confident.
Remember this important fact, when talking over the telephone all you have to rely on is your voice.  The people you are talking to can't see you, so it is very important to make a good impression.  Try not to sound too nervous over the telephone, if you are well-prepared, this will not be hard to do.  Nervous people talk too quickly and have hard time conveying information over the telephone.  With practice  you eliminate any nervousness. Be sure to make your call in a quiet area, away from distractions.  Having background noise will make it difficult for your listener to hear you.
Did you also know that your mood also affects how you sound over the telephone?  Do not make calls when you are emotionally upset.  Your listener will easily pick up on your mood.  Try smiling while you are talking on the telephone.  Professional speakers smile naturally, because they understand that they sound brighter and friendlier when they use this technique.  Decide whether you want to stand up or sit down while you're making your call.  I prefer to stand up while I'm making my calls, because it allows me the freedom to move around and use my body language.  Others prefer to sit down while they're making their calls, and have the luxury of having paper and pencil nearby on their desk.  Taking notes are important, so be prepared to write down important information relating to your questions.
As a native speaker, I can remember the time when I was terrified of talking over the telephone.  But with practice, I was able to overcome my fear.  Having the ability to speak over the telephone can be a great asset to your personal and professional life.  When it comes to international business, the ability to get the point across is essential for success.  Consider how valuable, you will become when your colleagues realize your ability to speak to international clients.  In this ever challenging business arena, we cannot solely rely on e-mails as a form of communication.  Being able to make that call overseas, delivers a personal touch, and strengthens business and personal relationships.  I want to thank all my friends and students around the world for listening to Your Educational Podcast...  This is Dr. Anthony, signing off....

English Writing Tips

Tuesday Mar 31, 2009

Tuesday Mar 31, 2009

Hello everyone and welcome to Your Educational Podcast, I am your host Dr. Anthony and today's podcast is titled "English Writing Tips".  The first thing I tell my students is to write about something they know about.  When you write about something familiar or something that you have a lot of information about writing comes easy.  Try not to write about something that requires a lot of research.  You don't want to be bogged down in research.  The main objective is to get as much experience and practice in writing as possible.  A very clear and simple essay is the best approach.  Eventually, you can work your way up into a more complicated form of writing.  Like everything else, you must use a step by step approach to learn and improve your skills.  Here are some points you should keep in mind.
The first thing you want to do before you start writing is to jot down an outline for your introduction, body and conclusion of your essay.  Your introduction should be able to catch the reader's attention. You can do this by having the first sentence of your essay as a question.  By asking an intriguing question at the beginning of your essay, the reader will be less likely to put down your essay.  Here are several things you should check before writing your final draft.
Capitals are sometimes easily omitted from many essays; remember to capitalize names of people, the days of the week, months, and holidays.  You should also capitalize names of countries, rivers, oceans, religions, and titles of movies and books.  Knowing how to properly use a comma can sometimes be difficult.  Try to remember that a comma is needed after conjunctive adverbs. The following are examples of conjunctive adverbs: meanwhile, therefore, finally, and however. Another useful tip that I use concerns numbers.  I usually write out the numbers from zero to twenty.  If the number is greater than twenty, I would normally just write it out in numerical form.
Do not write words that are unfamiliar to you for the sake of impressing your reader.  By taking this approach, you can make the mistake of using a word incorrectly and confuse your reader. Remember not to repeat the same sentence over and over again in your essay.  Using the same sentence repetitively in your essay creates boredom. Avoid creating incomplete sentences that are missing a subject or verb.  Another mistake young writers make is using abbreviations. Do not use abbreviations; chances are your readers will not understand it.
English writing can be fun and rewarding.  Like all things in this world, it takes time to develop good skills.  As your listening and reading skills improve, so will your writing skills.  A good approach to developing writing skills is to keep a diary of your activities.  Each day, you jot down several sentences of what happen at school or work. You can also write down what you plan on doing next week or next month.  Do you have a writing tip to share with us? If so, I would like to hear about it. I would like to say hi to all my students and friends around the world. Stay tune with us on Your Educational Podcast.....this is            Dr. Anthony....signing off

Why Learn a Foreign Language?

Thursday Mar 26, 2009

Thursday Mar 26, 2009

Hello everyone and welcome to Your Educational Podcasts.  I am your host, Dr. Anthony and today's podcast is called "Why learn a foreign language?"
I used to ask myself this question many times when I was growing up.  It was during that time that I felt I was being forced to learn a new language.  When I was about thirteen years old, my family moved to Puerto Rico.  Puerto Rico is a commonwealth of the United States and their first language was Spanish.  So I found myself in a totally new educational system unable to understand the language.  After spending an exhausting and confusing day at my new school, I would spend two hours with my private Spanish tutor.
By the time I was eighteen years old, I could speak, write, and read Spanish fluently. In retrospect, I am glad that my parents encouraged me to learn a second language.  Knowing a foreign-language can broaden your personal and professional experiences. Many of us will not argue that English is an important global language to master.  There are also other languages that have equal importance in knowing.
 Spanish has become an important language In the United States.  It is estimated, that approximately ten percent of the United States population consists of Hispanics, whose first language is Spanish. This statistical revelation has g a motivated many Americans to consider becoming bilingual. Another language to consider is Chinese. Despite how the world economies have been performing these days, China is a country with over 1.2 billion citizens that are very serious about learning English as a second language. Students should consider adding Chinese to their studies. 
Many universities are encouraging her students to take part in the exchange programs and studying abroad. The new opportunities to further our education have put an overwhelming burden on us to succeed.  You will find that once you have mastered your foreign-language skills, it will open up doors to many possibilities. You can use your foreign language skills in many areas, for example, the health field, banking, government service, teaching, flight attendant, hotel management and the list goes on and on.
Proficiency in a language puts you at a higher bracket to be hired by a potential employer.  Business companies want their employees to be able to cross cultural barriers. This means higher profits for the company and yourself. With your foreign language skills, you will be able to increase your business contacts, and at the same time, make friends along the way.  Your new friends will admire your ability to speak in another language, and respect you for being a highly intelligent individual.  Speaking of intelligence, many researchers believe that being bilingual increases your IQ. Knowing another language helps stimulate different areas of your brain.  Let's not forget that knowing a second language enables you to relocate to a new country and establish a new residence.
You will be able to acclimate yourself easier, you also be able to read foreign newspapers, magazines, books and navigate the Internet with your newly acquired language.
Learning a language is challenging, difficult, and very frustrating, but the rewards outweighed all of the hardships that you will encounter. Remember that it is never too late to start learning a new foreign-language. I like to think my students around the world for listening to Your Educational Podcast and I look forward to reading your comments.  This is Dr. Anthony, signing off......

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