Sunday May 17, 2009

Are You Ready For Your Interview?

Hello everyone and welcome to your educational podcast.  I am your host Dr. Anthony.  Our website is for professionals and students who are looking to improve their English as a second language.  Your educational podcast is written and published by Dr. Anthony.  Today's topic is are you ready for your interview?  Whether you are preparing for your university continue or a job interview.  There are certain steps you can take to prepare for it.  Being able to answer confidently will depend on how much time, practice, and research you do before that important day.  Many of the questions that are asked during the interview, do not have a right or wrong answer.  What is most important about answering questions during the interview is how you answer them.  What the interviewers are looking for is an individual who can answer a question without seeming too nervous.  The interviewers like to see their applicants show control and knowledge during the interviewing process.  Even before the interview has begun, the first impression that you give your interviewers is your appearance.  So you need to dress in a professional and comfortable attire. Let's take a look at some examples of questions that may come out in your interview.   1. Tell us a little about yourself. 2. Why do you want to be a part of our university or company? 3.  Do you work well under pressure or deadlines? 4. Where do you see yourself in 2-5 years? 5. What have you learned from your mistakes in the past? 6.  What makes you angry? 7.  What are your strengths? 8.  What are your weaknesses? 9.  What is the most exciting thing you've ever done? 10.  What are your future ambitions? 11.  What do you like most about our university or company? 12.  Are you a creative person? 13.  Do you have any regrets? 14 what is the most difficult decision you have ever made? 15. Do you believe you are an honest person?   The above is just a small sample of questions that many institutions use to qualify or disqualify a candidate.  You should do a little research on the Internet about the university or company that you're interested in.  Knowing a little information ahead of time can give you an edge over other individuals seeking the same position. The Internet is a great resource to find different questions to practice .  Read over the questions that you find and write down a answer for each one . Have a friend or family member, pretend to be the interviewer and rehearse your responses.  Be sure to keep your answers clear and short.  Do not bore your interviewers with long responses.  Maintain good eye contact, it shows that you are confident and interested.  Try to avoid negative words, and keep the tone of your conversation on a positive note. The more you practice your responces,the more successful you will be at your interview. This is your host Dr Anthony signing off.

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