Tuesday Jul 21, 2009

Are you ready to work out?

Hello everyone and welcome to Your Educational Podcast, I am your host Dr. Anthony and today's topic is "Are you ready to work out? Maintaining our health through exercise and proper nutrition can keep our bodies strong and free of disease. If you as busy as I am, I need to find the time to exercise, especially between work and school. Many of us have noble intentions in the beginning by spending hundreds of dollars on a gym membership, only to find that it was a waste of hard earned income. So is there an alternative? Well yes many people find that getting back on the bicycle is a perfect solution to their needs.  Many of us already have a bicycle or you can purchase one for a whole lot less than what it would cost joining a health club. Long before there were health clubs and spas, people depended on the bicycle to get to work. The challenge will be to commit yourself to an exercise program and fit it into your schedule without excuses. My ideal solution was to buy a stationary bicycle for my apartment. I also have a bicycle to ride outside.  Especially when the weather is beautiful outside, I enjoy taking a ride down to the local park. Take along a backpack with the basics including your cell phone and plenty of water. I like taking my digital camera because I can always find something interesting to photograph. I sometimes will bump into a friend of mine and having a camera is a fun way of sharing memories. I can remember when I was a kid riding my bicycle, it seem like an adventure each time. My mother would be so upset because I would be outside for hours. I would ride my bicycle through nearby neighborhoods, parks, over ramps, and on dirt trails left behind by bulldozers.  No matter your age, bike riding can provide an excellent form of cardiovascular exercise and general well being. You will soon see the benefits of riding a bicycle. You will notice that you don't seem as short winded climbing the stairs at school or your apartment. Your knees will also benefit from non-weight bearing exercise.  Riding a bike strengthens the muscles in our legs as well.  If you want to increase the intensity of your bike ride, look for a scenic ride on a hilly trail. Your will also enjoy the easier ride down the hills after conquering the upgrade. If you are not the outdoors type, consider buying a stationary bicycle.  A stationary bicycle is another great piece of equipment to have at home. When the weather outside is less than ideal, a stationary bicycle offers a safer alternative to exercising outdoors. As soon you arrive home from work or school, you can go right into your exercise routine. Having a stationary bike eliminates virtually any excuse for not exercising. You can listen to your favorite music or watch television throughout the work out.  Working in an exercise program into your schedule will help you maintain a strong immune system to combat a wide range of everyday illnesses, increase your energy level, and help maintain a good physical appearance. I would like to thank my students around the world for listening to Your Educational Podcast, this is your host Dr. Anthony signing off.

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