Tuesday Apr 21, 2009

How Are Your Study Habits?

Hello everyone and welcome to Your Educational Podcast.  I am your host, Dr. Anthony and today's subject is," how are your study habits?"  Everyone has his or her unique style to study.  Your learning style determines the length of time that is required of you to cover a subject.  Today's discussion will cover several ideas that you can adapt to your present skills.   Let us first consider the environment that you choose to study.  In my case, I like to have plenty of room on my desk.  Having plenty of room on my desk allows me to have several resources available to me.  These resources may be books; paper, writing utensils, snacks, and anything that may help facilitate your study time.  Another consideration for your environment is proper lighting.  If your study area is too dark or too bright, he can affect your eyesight after a couple hours into your studies.  You should choose a lighting that is sufficient enough to see and read the words on your textbook or notebook without difficulty. Many of us also preferred to have a very quiet room to study.  For myself, I prefer to have a little classical background music as I study or do my research.  Having a little background music helps me from getting bored and I also believe it stimulates my learning process.  I also have a specific time of day when I do my studies or research.  I keep my routine or schedule the same every day, because I find I am most alert at that time.  For example, I do not set my time to study immediately after having a large meal.  After eating breakfast, lunch or dinner, I find myself tired, or sleepy.  The reason for this is that your body is now using all of its energy to break down and digest the food you just ate. So it is best to wait at least two hours after a meal to begin concentrating on your studies.   It would be great to be able to download information into your brain just like Neo (who is played by Keanu Reeves) in the movie Matrix. Unfortunately, we are not able to interface our brains with computers, and absorb volumes of information.  My average time to absorb information is approximately fifteen to twenty minutes.  After about twenty minutes of study or research, I need to take a break for about five or ten minutes. If I don't take any breaks in between my study intervals, I find myself unable to concentrate.  Sitting down and studying for a long period of time will create more fatigue and stress.  So after studying for about twenty minutes, you should stand up, stretch, walk around, have a glass of water, or have a snack.  After five minutes, go back to your studies and repeat the process again.   While you are studying or reviewing a subject, be sure to jot down any questions you may have concerning anything that is not clear to you.  Bring your questions to class and asked your teacher or professor to explain in more detail.  Many students are afraid to ask questions in class.  You must overcome your fear of speaking in public, in order to attain higher grades in the academics. Asking appropriate questions concerning the subject matter being covered in class will eliminate doubt and show others you are willing to participate in a dialogue.   Good study skills are not learned overnight.  It takes discipline, motivation, good organizational skills and a desire to succeed.  Do you have a good study tip to share with us?  If so, we would like to hear about it.  Send us a comment of your idea.  I'll like to thank my family, friends, and students around the world for listening to Your Educational Podcast.  This is Dr. Anthony, signing off....

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